Wednesday, December 5, 2012

As winter closes in, gardens lie dormant until springtime. Gardeners, on the other hand, can still be active in planning and preparing for the upcoming season! Consider investing in a personal container garden either for yourself or as a gift to someone else. Watch for details about new options in Spring 2013!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Meet Us at Market!

Gardens to Grow will be offering $15 and $20 Salad Bowl Gardens in unique containers until early September. Come visit us at the Uptown Market (  in Waterloo Town Square on Thursday, August 9th and Thursday, August 23rd to pick out your own garden, or place an order by e-mailing Rachel Dyck at

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Salad Greens Garden available!

Now that the month of August is upon us, it is time to lay certain seeds to rest and to make room for others in the garden!
Order a Salad Greens garden today and enjoy fresh lettuce and spinach into the Fall months.
Watch the blog for details on different size options.

Note: Veggie Variety and Italian Blend gardens are no longer available this season.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mid-season update!

As the summer heat grows stronger, certain vegetable plants will thrive while others will whither.
Gardens to Grow offers 2 container garden options designed to thrive in warmer temperatures!

Choose from:
-Italian Blend: a tomato plant and herb mixture
-Veggie Variety: bush beans, bush peas and bush cucumbers

 Watch the blog for information about Fall-friendly gardens starting mid-July!

To order, contact Rachel at

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lined bushel baskets are ready-to-go

The seedlings are growing! Soon to be placed in containers

Rachel and cousin Laura in the garden


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Manageable, affordable and sustainable!
Vegetable gardens in ready-to-go containers