Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Garden Poem

By Rachel Dyck

Dedicated to Evy Dyck, an amazing supporter and wonderful grandmother to many grand-plants

Sometimes the world seems so heavy
Lonely and laden with strife
Amidst all the chaos around us
A garden can teach us of life
Each summer I grow a small garden
and put in the work I must do
now let me say that it goes both ways;
the garden – it helps me to grow, too
So many things that I notice
while working with plants as they grow
are lessons – reminders – that show me
things I might think that I know
It begins with preparing and planting
for the season that lies up ahead
at first, the garden looks empty;
barren, perhaps even dead

Then when I’m feeling discouraged
when I’m tired of waiting for birth
I notice a tiny green shoot
sprouting up from the dark brown earth
A wee little seed that was sown
grows into a plant of great height
Not because of my skills, but what a great thrill
to be part of a precious new life
The weather can cause great frustration
the weeds and the insects are bad
but in spite of the questions and toiling
a garden, it makes a soul glad
Gardeners, they need not be genius;
willingness is the key
the hope that is found in the garden
is what makes it worthwhile for me